Sunday 14 April 2013

Patrycja Przewlocka - Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Creating the questionnaire:

In order to find out about our target audience, we decided to create questionnaires, as well as interview random members of our school community. We decided to include questions which would inform us of the individual's demographics and psychographics,so that we could make the most appealing film opening possible. The majority of the questions we asked were open as I felt that giving choices would limit the individual and therefore limit us with the findings. We included questions such as the last two films seen in the cinema, or the individual's favourite film with reasoning, in order to get to know them and hopefully try to find a way in which the information matches, so that we can make our film appealing. Nonetheless, we included some closed questions in order to make sure that the basic information about the individual could give us a rough idea of who the target audience was. This included questions like the most favoured genre of thrillers so that I would know what themes would be the most appropriate in our film.

Distributing the questionnaire:

We decided to distribute the questionnaires mostly in our school community, so that we could perform follow-up questions with the most ease. We also distributed some questionnaires outside of school in order to get the widest results possible. However, I feel that this has limited us because the results which we received were very similar. I think that using an online survey - we used Survey Monkey - would have proven to be the most beneficial, however, given the few replies which we received, it didn't help us in deciding. 

Results of the questionnaire:

Your typical 'indie friends' - our audience
From our research, we have gathered that the majority of our audience would be teenage girls. In order to appeal to our audience, we have decided to make our protagonist a female herself - this would mean that the audience would have someone to identify with. Surprisingly, the audience chose independent films on a majority, which gave us opportunities to challenge conventions of thrillers which we found exciting. Furthermore, the favourite sub-genre of thrillers was chosen to be psychological, which was beneficial to us as it meant that our group had a wide ark which we could draw ideas from, instead of being limited to a central theme such as war, gangs etc.

We also decided to conduct some interviews for our audience research; although it wasn't very useful, we managed to get some inspiration from the audience's responses.

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