Friday 12 April 2013

Grace Haybyrne - Evaluation: Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Ted Bundy prolific serial killer
Stereotypical school girl
We were aiming our product at a teenage/young adult audience so tried to represent the characters in a way that the audience would be able to identify with. In our opening we challenged the stereotypical characters normally used to act as a serial killer etc. Typically rough, gangster looking actors would have been cast but we decided against that and chose a young school girl. (Picture of a typical school girl) 

The fact that the antagonist is in ‘detention’ implies that she is just an ordinary teenage girl that we can relate to. This was meant to imply that she was a ‘bad student’. The victim is also represented as a school girl: young, innocent – a typical or conventional victim.

We were also trying to show that young people can be just as dark and mischievous as adults. We implied this to the audience by including shots of the serial killer with the dead body, in her school, at a detention.

The close up shows an intense atmosphere.

The other social group represented in our film are teachers. The teacher in our film is not typical as he is too casual and too informal. We tried to show this through his reaction to our 'killers' request to leave the room. We felt his response was appropriate in the senses that we had subverted the student so wanted to subvert the teacher a little.

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