Sunday 14 April 2013

Patrycja Przewlocka - Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

From our audience research, we have gathered that the majority of our audience prefers independent films. Therefore we decided that an independent production and distribution company would suit our film the best. However seeing as our film tackles a mainstream problem of a serial killer instead of a niche independent problem, as well as representing teenagers, we thought that a mainstream subsidiary would be the most appropriate. 
I think that Summit Entertainment would be the most successful production company to deliver our film. It is a part of LIONSGATE, one of the leading production companies, which would be beneficial as it would deliver the film to a wide audience. However the majority of the films produced by Summit are independent. The composition of our film feels independent due to the small cast an unusual setting and some distinguished shots (such as the low shot of the blood drain), which is why we thought this would be a suitable company. Furthermore, things such as no cast 'selling-point' would attract the independent audience.

I thought that Momentum Pictures would be the most suitable distributor for our film as it is one of the leading independent distributors in the UK, and has distributed many thrillers such as The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo. This would be an appropriate distribution company, because whilst it's independent, it is the most successful company, which should attract both independent and mainstream audiences.

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