Friday 12 April 2013

Grace Haybyrne - Evaluation: Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

As a group we decided that a good way to find what people were interested in so we decided to construct a questionnaire to give our project some direction.We decided to use open questions as we felt that they would produce more interesting responses that would stimulate ideas.  We all had to agree on questions that we would ask a variety of people round our school to answer about their personal taste in films. We thought the easiest way to register answers from different people would to produce questionnaires. 

We also did a video questionnaire where we went round to different age groups asking them about there favorite types of film.

Different types of thrillers people like most.
The answers we received suggested that the favourite genre was psychological thrillers.

We also thought that using an online survey would be better to get a broader range of results. We used Survey Monkey an online survey tool - we thought this would have proven to be the most helpful, however, we didn't receive much feedback.

From our research we found out that are target audience would mainly be females, aged between 16 and 20.

We thought by making our protagonist a female character it would attract and appeal more to teenage girls.
However, the fact that the film is set in a school (everyone has an experience of this) means the potential audience is very broad.

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