Monday 15 April 2013

Amani Choudhury - Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our opening is set in a school so teenagers are mainly represented but as our protagonist is also a serial killer as well this can show the secretiveness of teenagers that are usually personified throughout many media forms. As we have a typical storyline of a teenager with a 'hidden identity' this can appeal to a mainstream audience however with our characters and location being very minimal this can be more of an independent film.

Teenagers are represented in our opening but by the character being in 'SATURDAY DETENTION' this gives insight to the character's background as she is shown as a bad student. The importance of the character being in detention as well as covering up her own murder shows teenagers in a negative light by being secretive, violent and dismaying rules.

Females are shown in our media product by our main protagonist. The character portrays the rebellious side of females as they are generically presented as passive and innocent. Our subversion of a serial killer typically being a male shows that females have a sense of identity too by wanting to gain their independence and authority by 'getting even' with their enemies. This is also shown in Revenge (a thriller genre drama).

 Serial Killers are presented in our opening as our central character is a serial killer but instead of presenting our serial killer in a conventional way who is male and typically isolated from society, we challenged this stereotype type by making a school girl the killer. This representation of a serial killer aims to shock our audience as she is seen to lead a normal teenage life e.g. going to school but her true intentions are shown in the flashbacks of her murder (shown above).

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