Monday 15 April 2013

Amani Choudhury - Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

 As the target audience were aged 15-19 from our audience feedback, we decided to see what rating it could be by the BBFC and concluded that a 15 would be appropriate in terms of our storyline and content.

The school setting one element which could address our target audience as their age of 15-19 indicates that they are still in education as well as having the experience meaning that they can identify with the character.

Another factor is that the main character is a female. This subversion of a typical serial killer allows us to attract our audience because they would be interested in how a role of a teenager and a killer correlate. Also by the audience preferring a independent film, this challenges the generic conventions so this allows us to use this to an advantage by using an uncommon character.

The shots of close ups of the blood and the tracking shots of the empty corridors allow us to grab the attention of our audience as these shots allow the audience to be drawn in as well as this highlights the apprehension and mood of the opening.



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