Monday 15 April 2013

Amani Choudhury - Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our media product can relate to a more independent audience as our opening consists of one central character which shows that she is the lead role and the plot revolves around her. This can attract an independent label to distribute our product as it is very niche because it is mainly set and based in a school environment, which can imply narrowing our audience to only students. Also from our audience research the feedback given allowed us to see what our potential target audience preferred which was an independent film.

 Momentum Pictures is suitable for distributing our media product as it is independent and very successful within the UK with films such as The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo. As this institution is independent but distributes films that can be for both mainstream and independent audiences, this is appropriate for our media product as ours has some mainstream elements one being a serial killer storyline.

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