Saturday 5 January 2013

Product Research: Donnie Darko (2001)

I decided to begin my research with this cult classic as I think that this is an interesting, enjoyable and slightly unconventional thriller.

I found the very beginning of the film to be relatively creepy and eerie. We never see Donnie's face until the opening title, which shows that his character is meant to be rather mysterious and enigmatic. I think that the use of the light on his face shows some level of depth in his character; we cannot be sure whether he is the 'good' or the 'bad'. I think that this would be a very interesting technique which our group could use in our thriller in order to maintain a sense of enigma which thrillers are known for.

I think that another key element in the opening sequence is the Donnie's bike journey as soon as he wakes up. The soundtrack subconsciously adds tension to the extract through the motif of time which is very relevant to the film. The long shots of the bike journey itself is rather confusing as the sun almost appears malicious when it shines through the trees, which is very unusual in general. The shots also allow us to take notice of Donnie in more detail; his disheveled appearance and young face make us feel more interested as he looks vulnerable. On the other hand, the constant low angle shot of him riding the bike make him seem in power. Again this deliberate confusion is very effective and engages the audience.
However, I wasn't too keen on the typography used in the title. I think that it looked childish as opposed to creepy or intimidating. Personally, I believe that a simpler, bolder font would have made much more of an impact . Nonetheless, I think that placing the title over a very natural yet dark scenery creates a feeling of calmness and serenity, suggesting a too-good-to-be-true atmosphere.

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