Monday 21 January 2013

Audience Research: Results and findings from Questionnaire

Here are some pie charts of the key aspects of my groups questionnaire, which would help us with our production work most:


According to this bar graph, it is clear that the gender of our target audience are females. This could help us with our opening sequence because this will lead us to what conventions we would need to subvert or make generic conventions in order to satisfy our target audience. The target audience being females could also help us with the role of the character (antagonist) of maybe being a female character, 
which would subvert generic conventions of the antagonist being a male character.

How old are you?

According to this pie chart, the suitable age range for our film could be 16-20 years olds. This shows that we would need to follow a few conventional trends which would interest our target audience. For example, the characters in our thriller could be young and represented in a positive light. Seeing how conventionally teens are portrayed in a negative light, this could make our work more interesting and unusual.  We decided that we need to include an unconventional approach as another one of our questions showed that the majority of the public enjoyed both mainstream and independent films; this would allow us for more creative freedom  Another aspect we could contain in our thriller is to have a setting which our target audience would be familiar with. This sense of familiarity would usually make the audience more interested in the product, making the thriller more successful.

What's your favourite sub-genre of a    thriller?

This pie chart specifies what kind of sub-genres we should include in order to satisfy our target audience. It is evident from the graphs that most people want psychological thriller to be included in our opening sequence. However, there is about 25% of our audience who chose "Crime". This tells us that we should include some aspects of crime. This provided us with an insight of what we could include in our project. For example, the use of drugs and women included in sex crimes. This is because our overall result of gender and age suggests that the theme would be relevant and making our audience more interested in our film.


Which do you prefer?

This result tells us that the majority of our audience who took part in the questionnaire preferred independent over mainstream  However, about a quarter of whom we asked preferred mainstream. This would allow us more creative freedom as we could then include conventions of both mainstream and independent films as opposed to just keeping to one aspect. This could mean that we could include some aspects of mainstream conventions, but as the majority of our audience preferred independent, we will focus on projecting independent conventions into our opening sequence.


Which do you find most important?

We decided to include this question in order to make sure to know what our group should focus on. The majority of the audience picked plot as being the most important, which means that we should include a strong plot for our story. However, the characters and effect also showed to be quite important which means that we should have an important character selection that the audience can root for and have some interesting, unusual ideas about the effects that we can use to satisfy the audience.

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